Tuesday 8 July 2008

The Full Montezuma- Around Central America With The Girl Next Door By Peter Moore

Peter Moore + The girl next door + Central America = some seriously funny travel writing.

Peter Moore is like your Dad! He wants to climb EVERY mountain, see EVERY ancient ruin, go to bed early and get up even earlier. Despite all this the man writes a cracking travel book that makes you laugh and inspires you to travel.
Mr Moore, you feel like you have to call him Mr, backpacks around Central America with the Girl Next Door (
GND). He only met her a few months before asking her to join him on his latest adventure, its testament to his great enthusiasm for travelling that he was able to do this. They strike you as a couple who are not very compatible, Mr Moore wants to experience everything there is to offer in Central America albeit on a budget whilst the GND seems happy to sit on a beach all day. Alas there are some very heartfelt moments between the two but you can not get over the niggling feeling that the two would not have been together very long if they were not on a six month trip. This of course turned out to be the case, a quick check on Peter Moore's website confirms that they did in fact split six months after returning home.

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